Video Marketing Services

If a picture paints a thousand words, imagine what a video can do. YouTube, the starting point of most of the viral videos you see floating around on the internet, is rated as the number three most popular site in the world by Alexa. The only sites that come in ahead of them are Google and Facebook. That is some serious company to be keeping. YouTube’s popularity is global, with millions of sites linking into it. That statistic by itself should tell you how powerful video marketing is. Here at Payless Marketing we have watched the rise of YouTube and have learned from it. We recommend that you have us make a video or series of videos for your company and get them out there onto the web as soon as possible. Your YouTube video could be the next viral hit.

For those who don’t know, YouTube is a social network, just like Facebook, only focused on video. Once a video is posted onto YouTube it can be watched by friends and spread around just like a post on any other network. You can even use the other social networks to help spread it, because each YouTube video has its own link and embedding code. Many of our clients will post their video to the outside world and use the embedding code to have it show up on their website. This not only takes care of traffic generation; it can also increase the average time on site for new visitors.


Stop and think for a moment. If you run a business that sells a product or offers a service, you probably pitch potential customers and clients on a daily basis. What do you say to them? Are there certain points you try to get across, certain attributes of the product or service that you feel are important? Why not put all of those into a script and have us make a video of them? Using our resources, voices, and expertise, you can pitch hundreds or thousands of people about your company without having to go there in person and do a presentation. You can even put the video presentation on your website so everyone gets the spiel when they visit. It works.


From an SEO perspective, videos are links. They can be pretty powerful links, too. YouTube is a PR9 site that sees millions of visitors. The rule of thumb in SEO is to try to link to sites that have a higher ranking and get more traffic than you do. You’ll get the link juice from YouTube and you’ll see lots of new traffic coming in. You’ll also have a video you can point people at when they ask about your company. We’re happy to show some samples of the work we’ve done in the past. Most of them are available on, you guessed it, YouTube. Others can be seen on our clients’ websites and other viral networks. There are others out there, some which are local and a better fit for promoting your company. Ask us about those also when you call.

If a picture paints a thousand words, imagine what a video can do. Call us Today!

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